BC Traffic Court Update

With the Covid-19 omicron variant currently spreading rapidly, an update has been provided from the BC provincial courts regarding in-person hearings.

All traffic court hearings scheduled between January 10 to January 28 have been automatically adjourned, the BC provincial courts have decided to ensure the safety of everyone and to limit in-person hearings at this unpredictable time.

If you have a hearing scheduled within this period, you have nothing to do or worry about; the adjournments are automatic and require no action from you. A new date will be sent to you as well.

The only exception to the cancellations is hearings that have already been scheduled to proceed virtually; those will still happen without interruption.

If you do not currently have a lawyer for traffic court, it is a good time to consider getting one, given these cancellations.

A lawyer will be able to schedule a new date for you, whereas the court will automatically send you the date without one.

If you are interested in getting a lawyer, contact me at 604-685-8889.

Stay safe out there!

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