August 2021

Kyla Lee in Vancouver Is Awesome

Following the provincial government’s announcement that B.C. residents will need to show proof of vaccination to attend certain social events, many small businesses took to social media to announce they will not be enforcing the order.

Kyla Lee is a Vancouver lawyer who in recent days has received many questions asking if the vaccine passport is indeed an infringement on Canadian’s Charter Rights. She took to TikTok to share her thoughts on the matter and says ultimately it’s a fair balance.

“Your Charter Rights aren’t absolute. Like at any time the government has the ability to limit your Charter rights,” Lee says. “That can include restrictions on your rights to access certain things, restrictions on your rights to go certain places, restrictions on your bodily integrity rights.”

Read the full story here.

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Weird and Wacky Wednesdays: Volume 163

This week on Weird and Wacky Wednesdays, we will be swimming through a new lawsuit brought on by the naked Nirvana pool baby. Then we’ll head over to where else but Florida, where a man decided a snickers bar was worth jail time. And finally, we will head overseas to Sri Lanka, where new drunk driving laws have just been implemented-the catch being they have nothing to do with driving a car!

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Weird and Wacky Wednesdays: Volume 162

Morality and criminal law go hand in hand. Recently on Weird and Wacky Wednesdays, we’ve focused on themes including the frailty of human decision-making and what’s behind it.

As a criminal lawyer, I often see clients get into trouble due to alcohol, impulsiveness and sexual desires. This week we cover all these topics, beginning with an unusual impulsive high-speed chase, moving on to an “alcohol-involved” accidental shooting and wrapping up with a gratuitous semi-public sex story.

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Weird and Wacky Wednesdays: Volume 161, the All Bears Edition

Reflecting on Weird and Wacky Wednesdays one might conclude that it is an inquiry into human frailty. There are themes, but the overarching leitmotif is that of the decision making of humans. To give them the benefit of the doubt (coming from the world of criminal defence) one assumes that, to those individuals, their decisions probably seemed like good decisions to them at the time. At least for a moment before things went awry. 

Humans are simply animals and laws govern us so we can live together. Generally, we all understand that there are laws. Animals don’t really have much more than the law of the jungle. When they run up against humans, they may be governed by laws they will never understand.

This week, in the all-bears edition of Weird and Wacky Wednesdays we will look at bears breaking the law. How can bears break the law? They can’t understand the law. Well, the same could be said for many humans.

Let’s now investigate the issue of bears unlawfully in cars.

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Weird and Wacky Wednesdays: Volume 160

Alcohol, proclivity and thrill seeking are common reasons people commit crimes. As these are all natural human failings, sometimes I wonder why we are so bothered by them. Sure, we have plenty of sympathy for the person who steals a loaf of bread to feed their family. But there is more than hunger that drives human behaviour.

This week we will review alcohol-fueled pasta shenanigans, developments in the thrill-seeking jetpack community and we have an update on an Elmo-based story that, well, is worthy of bothering us.

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