Weird and Wacky Wednesday: Volume 237

This week on Weird and Wacky Wednesday, a man uses a slice of pizza as a weapon, a 52-year-old man blames spring break for his mistake, and a man gets his miles and kilometres confused.

Follow the jump for more of this week’s weirdest and wackiest cases from around the globe!

A nice slice of pizza pie

Eating pizza is always a good idea, whether it be hot or cold, for dinner or breakfast, pizza is the best! While most of us stick to just eating pizza, a Florida man has found something else you could do with a slice.

And what that is, is using it to slap his wife across the face. Yes, that’s right, during a fight with his wife, the man picked up a piece of pizza and used it to slap her. In their report, the police said they did notice pizza sauce in her hair and on her shirt.

He was arrested on a misdemeanour battery. Who would’ve thought someone could take something as good as pizza and use it for bad?

Spring break made me do it

Another wacky story coming out of Florida and this one poses the question; how old is too old to blame a mistake on spring break?

The reason for this question is that, after being caught vandalizing a car, a 52-year-old man said it was a spring break mistake. It was a random couple’s car he vandalized by scratching it with a butter knife, resulting in about $1000.00 worth of damage.

This again begs the question, is 52 too old to be blaming your mistakes on spring break? I vote yes.

Is that miles or kilometres?

By now, everyone knows, or at least most people know, that while in the U.S., they measure speed in miles, here in Canada, we use kilometres. And the difference between these two measurement systems is a lot of speed.

And after not realizing that the speeds posted in Canada were in kilometres, an American driver got a ticket for stunt driving in Ontario. He was going 142 km/h in an 80 km/h zone.

142 km/h is about 90 miles per hour, so he probably thought the number and thought he was only going ten kilometres over. Little did he know he would get ticketed for stunt driving, his car impounded for 14 days and a licence suspension for 30 days.

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