Weird and Wacky Wednesday: Volume 234

This week on Weird and Wacky Wednesday a man calls the police on someone else and ends up getting arrested himself, and someone in Ireland has the most ironic bumper sticker ever.

Follow the jump for more of this week’s weirdest and wackiest cases from around the globe!

Read more: Weird and Wacky Wednesday: Volume 234

If it’s not gonna happen, I want my money back

Most people, and even children over the age of three, know that you only call the police in an emergency. A man in a town in Michigan called the police on a woman he said was a prostitute that refused to do anything after he paid her.

Clearly, he did not think the entire process through, because paying a person for sex is illegal, so the man ended up getting himself into trouble too.

He himself ended up getting arrested for solicitation, and the woman for prostitution. And by the way, he got himself arrested over $10.00.

Isn’t it ironic

Have you ever seen or heard something crazy, and thought it was just too ironic, like how the heck could that happen? Police in Northern Ireland were thinking this exact thing after they pulled a car over and asked the driver of the vehicle to show them their insurance.

Unfortunately for the driver, they did not have any insurance to show, and so they received a penalty notice and had their car impounded. But the irony comes in when the police went around to the back of the car and noticed a bumper sticker.

And what was written on the bumper sticker you ask? It read, “May brakes are good!! Is your insurance?” Yikes, that is embarrassing!

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