criminal law

How To Beat a Driving While Prohibited Charge in BC

beat driving while prohibited charge

Driving while prohibited is a serious offence. If convicted of the criminal charge of driving while prohibited, a person can receive a criminal record. Under the Motor Vehicle Act, a person can face a possible jail sentence. In either circumstance, the penalty for driving while prohibited includes lengthy driving prohibitions and potentially high fines.

This is why it is important to understand the evidence in a driving while prohibited case, and what you can do to beat a driving while prohibited charge in British Columbia. …

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Weird and Wacky Wednesdays: Volume Sixty Three

This week on Weird and Wacky Wednesdays, we look at two amazing escape cases. One foiled plot to escape prison, that has since ended tragically, and a second successful plot to escape prosecution for a drug possession offence. Finally, we look at an argument that will make you say “Well, that escalated quickly.” …

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