Animal Litigation: Cases That Should Have Gone to the Supreme Court of Canada, But Didn’t!

Welcome to Cases That Should Have Gone to the Supreme Court of Canada, But Didn’t! This week, lawyer Kyla Lee discusses animal litigation and when courts should exercise their discretion to grant public interest in standing on behalf of animals.

Acumen Law Corporation lawyer Kyla Lee gives her take on a made-in-Canada court case each week and discusses why these cases should have been heard by Canada’s highest court: the Supreme Court of Canada.

Lucy the elephant lived at the Edmonton Zoo. Zoocheck Canada filed an application on behalf of Lucy to argue that she should be moved to a more appropriate facility and that the Zoo’s license to keep her there should not be renewed. Unfortunately, the court found that Zoocheck Canada did not have standing to argue the case on behalf of Lucy.

This case raises an important issue of when do animal interest/welfare groups have standing to argue that an animal is not being treated in a proper way and to assert the rights of that animal for fair treatment?

So how do animals litigate? That’s what these animal interest groups are required to step in for.

Watch the video for more.

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