Weird and Wacky Wednesdays: Volume 106

This week on Weird and Wacky Wednesdays, we look at a hilarious FBI investigation involving
a homemade explosive and a wild story to explain it away. Then, we look at how a birthday can
be ruined in a very not-mundane way. Finally, we examine the prosecution of Michael Avenatti,
who is accused of violating his bail by defending himself.

Follow the jump to read more of the weirdest and wackiest legal cases from around the globe.

Like a Great B Movie

If you’re a fan of the B-movie genre then you know that a plotline involving a radical incel who
plans to blow up a horde of cheerleaders but then accidentally blows off his own hand instead
would not be uncommon.

But what if I told you that this wasn’t a B-movie but instead an actual FBI investigation? Well,
then you’d probably say that this is why you’re reading Weird and Wacky Wednesdays.

Yes, the FBI had to investigate Cole Carini after he showed up at a local Virginia medical center with some very suspicious injuries, including a missing hand, amputated fingers, and shrapnel in his neck and throat. Apparently the hospital staff were suspicious of his explanation that this was a really convoluted lawnmower accident, and called the FBI.

You know, as one does.

So the FBI interview him and then decide to check out his home to verify the details. And instead, they find a grisly scene in his bedroom with pieces of Carini’s body splattered on the walls and a blood trail throughout the house. And upon further investigation, they discovered that Carini had in fact planned to blow up some cheerleaders.

But you know what they say. B-E A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E! Be aggressive!

Unhappy Birthday to You

Literally every person that’s been in a relationship has either uttered the words, or heard the words uttered, “let’s have a threesome.” And most of the time, it dos not end well.

That is not to say the three is anything inherently wrong with threesomes. But when you are drunk, hanging out in a La Quinta Inn in Myrtle Beach, and it’s your birthday… you should probably assume that the whole threesome thing is not a good idea.

Enter Mary Jane and her boyfriend Jahiem. And another unnamed woman. Whom Mary Jane, apparently sobering up to what was going on, did not appreciate having wrapped around her boyfriend’s genitals. So she did what any self-respecting woman would do. She pulled him off by his balls.

Okay, but there is a happy ending here. Despite being kicked out of the hotel and subject to a police complaint, Mary Jane and Jahiem were allowed to leave without charges. So some people do get birthday presents after all!

Not all Arguments are Good

And one lawyer who is no stranger to arguments that are… not good… is Michael Avenatti.

Currently on strict bail conditions after being released to avoid the COVID-19 pandemic in jail Michael Avenatti is now accused of breaching those bail conditions. The accusation levied against him by prosecutors is that he violated the terms of his release by working on his defence.

I kid you not.

Avenatti is not permitted to access the internet, except through a legal custodian who prints his documents for him, or while supervised by his lawyer, for the purpose of preparing documents in his defence.

And the prosecutors in his case have apparently been monitoring the metadata on documents filed by Avenatti’s lawyer to try to prove that he actually drafted the documents himself, on an internet-enabled device. The proof – they say – lies in the fact that he knows what is in the documents filed in his defence in court.

God forbid!

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