Weird and Wacky Wednesday: Volume 218

This week on Weird and Wacky Wednesday a mother is in trouble for letting her 10-year-old get a tattoo, the ultimate ‘Florida man’ is facing battery charges, and a truck gets stuck under an overpass in Ontario…but not in the way you’d think.

Follow the jump and learn more about this week’s weirdest and wackiest cases from around the globe.

Too young to tattoo

So how young do we think is too young for a person to get a tattoo? I mean the legal age is 18 years old in Canada, but if you want one when you’re a bit younger, you need your parent’s or guardian’s consent.

And by a bit younger, I think most of us think probably 16 or 17. But a mother in a town a little bit outside of NYC found out the hard way just how young is too young after she consented to her 10-year-old son’s tattoo.

The hard way is that she was arrested and is now facing charges of endangering the welfare of a child. Her son has been placed in the custody of child protective services officials.

The tattoo of the kid’s name is located across the boy’s forearm and was spotted by his school nurse. The location of the tattoo artist who did the tattoo on the child is unknown, but he could also face charges for actually doing the tattoo.

‘The’ Florida man

There are Florida men’s stories and then there is a story about the ultimate Florida man.

And that is a man with the actual state of Florida tattooed in the middle of his forehead is facing a felony battery charge. He reportedly assaulted another man with a razor and cut the guy on his neck and leg. The fight was about a cell phone bill the victim said.

The accused man said it was in self-defence, but police found nothing to support that claim.

How does a truck crash like that

A busy highway in Ontario was slower than normal this morning after a truck got stuck under an overpass. And the fact that a truck crashed is not the craziest part of the story, but the way it got stuck.

I guess the driver of the truck forgot to put the box of the truck down, so it obviously didn’t end well and got stuck under an overpass.

And the truck being stuck isn’t even the worse part, it’s the fact that the overpass too was damaged.

I’m not being judgemental, but this really is the worse thing the truck driver could forget to do.

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