Weird and Wacky Wednesday: Volume 202

This week on Weird and Wacky Wednesday a pant less customer vandalized a restaurant in New York City, a robbery in Pennsylvania resulted in only frozen food being stolen, and a man in Dallas took out his anger on innocent museum artifacts.

Follow the jump and learn more about this week’s weirdest and wackiest legal cases from around the globe!

No pants, no underwear, no service!

We all know the rule that most restaurants have in place, the one that goes ‘no shoes, no shirt, not service.’ A man in Queens, NY was testing if that rule also included no pants, after he walked into a restaurant completely bottomless…and when I see completely, I also mean without underwear.

He was kicked out, but that didn’t stop him from returning to the place hours later, this time with a hammer, which he used to break a bunch of things, including a bunch of windows leaving a glass trail in his wake.

The man is a regular at the restaurant, where the employees believe he suffers from some kind of mental illness. He was arrested quickly after the incident.

Hand over the perogies and no one gets hurt

What might be the strangest burglary of all time happened in Pennsylvania where the only thing stolen from a house that had been broken into was a bag of frozen perogies.

While there was also a bit of damage done to some of the drywall, the only thing actually missing from the apartment was the $10 bag of perogies.

Honestly the one thing about this case that has me the most confused is how did the robber even know the perogies were in the freezer? Was it an inside job? And what would they have taken had the perogies not been available?

I need answers!

I’m mad at you so I’m destroying this priceless artifact!!

A man in Dallas has been charged with criminal mischief after he broke into a museum and destroyed ancient artifacts. And why might you ask, did he do this?

Well, the reason he gave for randomly breaking into the museum and destroying numerous things was that he was mad at his girlfriend.

Yeah, you read that right. He had an argument with his girlfriend and his first thought on what to do to get his anger out was to go and cause irreversible damage to ancient art.

According to the museum officials though, the damage is not as bad as it could have been.

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