traffic ticket

Common Defences to Traffic Tickets

There is a lot of misinformation and inaccurate information online regarding the dispute of traffic tickets in British Columbia. Websites list common defences to traffic tickets, but the reality is that traffic ticket defences vary based on the province and country. What may be a defence in Manitoba is not a defence to a traffic ticket in British Columbia.

For that reason, in this blog post we will break down some of the most common defences to traffic tickets issued in British Columbia.

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Major BC Court of Appeal Decision on Whether Thousands of Tickets Are Valid

rights traffic stop

Yesterday, the BC Court of Appeal released a ruling in a highly anticipated case that had the potential to affect thousands of traffic tickets across British Columbia.

The case concerned a ticket for disobeying a traffic control device. What was at issue in the case was the question of whether or not the ticket itself was properly issued, in that it gave the accused, Mr. Robinson, proper notice of the offence for which he had been charged.

Major BC Court of Appeal Decision on Whether Thousands of Tickets Are Valid Read More »

Can I be charged with a traffic ticket months after an accident?

It is not uncommon for police officers to issue traffic tickets to people months, or even up to a year, after a driving incident occurs.

Many people believe that a traffic ticket can only be issued by the police at the time that the officer observes the incident takes place. But this is not true.

Can I be charged with a traffic ticket months after an accident? Read More »

Pitfalls of Self-Representation in Traffic Court

Traffic court is a very confusing and often frightening place for self-represented litigants. Unfortunately, that can sometimes result in people being taken advantage of by police officers who are trained in the law and rules of evidence in traffic court. It can also result in people not knowing when the court is making a legally incorrect ruling.

A recent BC Supreme Court traffic ticket appeal case demonstrates some of the pitfalls of being unrepresented in a system that can feel stacked against you.

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Should I Dispute a Speeding Ticket in BC?

Should I Dispute a Speeding Ticket

This is one of the most commonly asked questions that I receive as a lawyer: should I dispute a speeding ticket? Every day, numerous people who want to keep their driving records traffic ticket free call me to ask about disputing a speeding ticket and whether it is worth it to file the ticket in dispute.

The purpose of this blog post is to give you a little more information about whether you should dispute a speeding ticket in BC. …

Should I Dispute a Speeding Ticket in BC? Read More »

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