speeding ticket

Common Defences to Traffic Tickets

There is a lot of misinformation and inaccurate information online regarding the dispute of traffic tickets in British Columbia. Websites list common defences to traffic tickets, but the reality is that traffic ticket defences vary based on the province and country. What may be a defence in Manitoba is not a defence to a traffic ticket in British Columbia.

For that reason, in this blog post we will break down some of the most common defences to traffic tickets issued in British Columbia.

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Is there any way to fight a red light or speeding camera ticket?

Getting a red light or speeding camera ticket is frustrating for many people. Getting a letter in the mail saying that you or your vehicle did something that you don’t agree with can be upsetting.

Many people will be frustrated after receiving these letters in the mail, being accused of something and as a result, responsible for the financial costs of something, that they may have not even done.

Is there any way to fight a red light or speeding camera ticket? Read More »

What are the different types of speeding tickets in BC?

In BC, you can get many different types of speeding tickets, and each type of ticket has unique consequences.

Each speeding ticket is viewed differently by the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles in determining whether to prohibit your license and by ICBC when deciding what insurance-related consequences to impose on you.

What are the different types of speeding tickets in BC? Read More »

How Long Does a Ticket Stay on my Driving Record in BC

One of the most common questions I am asked by clients who are given tickets is how long the ticket will remain on their driving record. Most people do not understand the significant penalties that can come from getting a ticket, and how long-lasting the consequences actually are.

The length of time that a ticket will stay on your driving record in British Columbia may surprise you. But there is a silver lining. This blog post explains everything you need to know about how long a ticket will stay on your record in British Columbia.

How Long Does a Ticket Stay on my Driving Record in BC Read More »

Giving testimony in speeding cases when you do not know how your speed

One of the traps self-represented defendants fall into in speeding cases is giving testimony when they do not know how fast they were actually travelling. People tend to focus on their personal circumstances to the detriment to their defence against the evidence.

A recent BC Supreme Court decision functions as a good example of this. This blog will examine the case and explain some of the dangers of representing yourself.

Giving testimony in speeding cases when you do not know how your speed Read More »

Should I Dispute a Speeding Ticket in BC?

Should I Dispute a Speeding Ticket

This is one of the most commonly asked questions that I receive as a lawyer: should I dispute a speeding ticket? Every day, numerous people who want to keep their driving records traffic ticket free call me to ask about disputing a speeding ticket and whether it is worth it to file the ticket in dispute.

The purpose of this blog post is to give you a little more information about whether you should dispute a speeding ticket in BC. …

Should I Dispute a Speeding Ticket in BC? Read More »

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