Kyla on CBC’s On The Coast with Gloria Macarenko: Soapbox Social: political nicknames and intersection cameras

Mo Amir, host of the podcast This is VANCOLOUR, and Kyla Lee, a Vancouver criminal lawyer for Acumen Law Corporation, weigh in on B.C. politicians trying to make their nicknames for opponents stick, a Vancouver councillor’s attempt to make intersections safer with speed and red-light cameras — and how they handle handing out candy on Halloween.

“In some jurisdictions they’re using intersection cameras to issue distracted driving tickets by using really high-powered lenses to look through the windows of motor vehicles – we probably won’t ever see that in British Columbia because of the privacy concerns.”

“Intersection cameras can’t identify who was driving the vehicle and the result of that is that the government has made this compromise where if we’re going to be policed by robot, we’re not going to get the tickets added to our driving record and we’re not going to get penalty points which is what most people are concerned about.”

Listen here.

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