Recent articles, including on the Huffington Post, have suggested that it is illegal to consume cannabis in a vehicle, even if it is parked and there is no present intention to set the vehicle in motion. But based on my read of the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act in British Columbia, this may be an important misinterpretation.
And here’s why. Buckle up, this is getting technical and legal. But it is information cannabis users need to know.
Consumption in vehicles and boats
65 (1) A person must not consume cannabis while
(a) operating a vehicle or boat, or
(b) in or on a vehicle or boat being operated by another person.
(2) A person must not operate a vehicle or boat if the person knows that another person is smoking or vaping cannabis in the vehicle or boat.
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) apply regardless of whether the vehicle or boat is in motion
First, actual driving is pretty self-explanatory. It involves putting the vehicle in motion, through a course of intentional conduct associated to the vehicle. That much is obvious.
When it comes to care and control and operating a vehicle, the law becomes a lot less clear. Care and control means acts that fall short of driving, but where there is a realistic risk the vehicle could be set in motion, either accidentally or through a change of intention. It can involve sitting in the driver’s seat with possession of the keys, sleeping in the vehicle, or in some circumstances, even being near the vehicle.
By contrast, operating is something more than care and control and less than actual driving. This is clearly indicated by the use of the language “regardless of whether the vehicle is in motion.”
The distinction between operating or having care and control can be seen in places like the Motor Vehicle Act. There, several sections show that there is a legal difference. Section 215.41, for example, refers to “having care or control… whether or not the vehicle is in motion.” However, Section 214.2, which deals with the prohibition on use of electronic devices while driving, prohibits use of an electronic device “while driving or operating a motor vehicle…” Thus, we see driving or operating acting as distinct from being in care and control.
The Motor Vehicle Act is rife with distinction that shows something higher than care and control meant by operate. Look at the following provisions:
A person who is under 15 years of age must not drive or operate an implement of husbandry on a highway
Despite this section, but subject to subsection (11), a person must not drive or operate a motor vehicle or trailer referred to in this section unless
(a) the person holds a subsisting driver’s licence of a class appropriate to the category of motor vehicle driven or operated,
(b) the person is insured under a valid and subsisting driver’s certificate, and
(c) the motor vehicle and the trailer, if any, are insured under a valid and subsisting motor vehicle liability policy evidenced by an owner’s certificate.
The distinction is nuanced, complex, but important.
Thankfully, the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act provides a helpful definition of operation in the context of motor vehicles. In the definitions section, the statue provides that operate means to exercise control over a vehicle. Exercising control is legally distinct from care and control. Exercising control over a vehicle means to interact with the fittings or equipment of a motor vehicle that could set it in motion, without doing so.
Essentially, this means you could offend the provision if you consume cannabis while putting a vehicle in gear, or with your foot on the brake, after you’ve parked the vehicle.
Okay, that seems clear enough.
But before you start celebrating by lighting up your next BC Government supplied pre-roll in your vehicle, wait.
Because where things get tricky about consumption of cannabis in vehicles is not whether you are sitting in the driver’s seat but where the vehicle is located.
Yes, a lesser-known and lesser-discussed provision of the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act purports to define public place as:
(a) any place to which the public has access as of right or by invitation, express or implied, whether or not a fee is charged for entry, and
(b) any vehicle or boat located in a place referred to in paragraph (a) or in any outdoor place open to public view;
Any place to which the public has access or is invited is a public place if your vehicle is parked there. And for the purpose of the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act, your vehicle is a public place if it is located in such a place. So anywhere that public consumption of cannabis is prohibited, so too is consumption in a vehicle regardless of whether you are operating it or not.
As a refresher, these places are: skating rinks, sports fields, swimming pools, playgrounds, skate parks, spray or wading pools, parks, outdoor areas for community recreation, any by virtue of the inclusion of vehicles provisions the parking lots associated to these places. Also, the parking lots of schools, health board properties,
This is really discouraging for the numerous people in the Lower Mainland who are living in their vehicles and who park them overnight at these locations. It also means that people who go camping in an RV or tent-trailer or one of those cool VW vans also offend the provision if they consume cannabis in those locations.
Okay, so what if you consume your cannabis from the passenger seat?
You’re probably okay. So long as you do not do it while there is a driver operating the vehicle, and so long as there is not a minor present in the vehicle. Oh, and so long as you do not consume the cannabis while your vehicle is parked at a location where public consumption is prohibited.
Now, can you consume cannabis while there is a person in the driver’s seat? Yes. Provided that the person in the driver’s seat is not operating the vehicle.
I hope that helps to provide some much-needed clarity to the issue of smoking or vaping cannabis in a vehicle. There is confusion among legal experts, the police, and the media about this issue, and if you are facing a ticket for smoking cannabis in a vehicle, you need to know what defences you have. If you are looking to smoke or vape cannabis in a vehicle, you need to know when you can and when you cannot.
And, of course, if you are still confused or have any questions, please reach out on my contact form and I will try to answer your specific question.