Can You Fail a Breathalyzer with Peanuts?

We conducted an experiment to find out if you can fail a breathalyzer after eating peanuts. Peanuts are a popular bar snack, but is eating them on their own enough to set off a breathalyzer? We received a request to test peanuts, so we got a pack of Planters cocktail peanuts.

The pack did not list alcohol as an ingredient. However, is there something about peanuts that can lead you to fail a breathalyzer with peanuts?

In “Can You Fail It?”, we put everyday household items to the test to ask, Can You Fail It? That is, can you give a false positive reading on an approved screening device (ASD) after consuming it.

We are looking to see if these products will generate a false positive reading on an approved screening device. That is, can they trick a breathalyzer into showing there is alcohol present in your body. Even just by being present in your mouth. Your body does not have to absorb them to show up on a breathalyzer.

A reading of 0 to 0.049 blood alcohol content (BAC) is a pass in a breath test. A reading of 0.05 to 0.79 is a “warn” while 0.08 or higher is a “fail”. Is this enough to fail a breathalyzer with peanuts?

We have already seen there are a number of surprising household items that can generate a false positive reading on an ASD. To see some of the previous items we have tested in the name of science, take a look at our YouTube playlist.

Watch the video to find out if you can fail a breathalyzer with peanuts.

You can watch one of our previous videos, where we tested apple juice, here.

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