It’s Eating Disorder Awareness Week… and I am coming out
Writing this post is one of the hardest things I have done in recent memory. But it’s also one of the most freeing.
I spent almost fifteen years of my life wrestling with anorexia nervosa. This month marks seven years from when I finally entered my journey with recovery.
I was inspired last year by Bowinn Ma and her brave decision to come out as a person who has struggled with an eating disorder. To see someone so successful and whom I admire reveal that she has struggled from the same life-consuming disease. Then, later last year when Supreme Court of Canada Justice Gascon retired early, and became an outspoken advocate for lawyers’ mental health, I knew I had to share my story.
So to begin, I want to thank Bowinn Ma and Justice Gascon for having the courage to come out and share what it’s like to struggle with a mental illness.
It’s Eating Disorder Awareness Week… and I am coming outRead More »