Weird and Wacky Wednesdays: Volume Twenty Seven

This is a great week on Weird and Wacky Wednesdays. First up, we have a major police blunder that results in a fistfight in the street. Then, the worst wedding day of all time that gets even weirder the more you look into what happened. And finally, we end with a woman who is now suing the Georgia Police after she was wrongfully arrested for having cotton candy. Find out the details of these cases by clicking through below!

The Best Story of Police Incompetence You Will Ever Read
There are some pretty great stories of police incompetence out there. I will never stop laughing, for example, at the Toronto police officers who stole cannabis edibles from a raid and then got too high to cope. But this one tops even that.

Police in Detroit were very concerned about drug problems and drug-related criminal activity in their city. So they set up a sting. Meanwhile, other police, also in Detroit, were also concerned about the same drug problems and drug-related crime. So they also set up a sting. And for some reason, the two different precincts did not bother to tell one another about their grand plan. Precinct One posed as purchasers of drugs. Precinct Two posed as sellers of drugs. You don’t need to be a lawyer to know what happened next.

One bought from Two and each attempted to arrest the other.

And you’d think that would have been quickly sorted out. But, if you’re an avid Weird and Wacky Wednesdays reader you know that it was not. Instead, what happened was Precinct Two officers then sent in backup to raid a nearby house, suspected of being a stash house for drugs. All hell broke loose, officers drew guns on other officers, exchanged punches, and the homeowner of what was definitely not a stash house looked on bewildered as undercover officers beat each other up in the middle of the street.

An internal affairs investigation is underway. But I imagine it won’t take much to realize that communication was what really failed here.

It’s Like Rain On Your Wedding Day
Nothing is worse than rain on your wedding day. Or so many people think, until they are faced with something much worse. For one bride, her wedding was rained out. But not with a light drizzle. Nope, this bride, among other things had to deal with golden showers on her wedding day.

But the story here is a lot worse and there are far more legal twists and turns than just the photographer who peed on a tree before being arrested by the police. The wedding photographer in this case, who is now facing charges of public intoxication and obstruction, was arrested after the bride found her having sex with one of the wedding guests. Then, she was involved in an altercation before her arrest that led to her peeing on a tree. Apparently she was given spiked drinks, which reacted poorly with her medication. But something tells me there’s a lot more to this story.

Charges are still proceeding against the photographer, but this will definitely be one to watch!

Cotton Candy? Meth? Both?
As an impaired driving lawyer and a cannabis driving lawyer, I know the importance of proper scientific procedure in drug testing. If you do not follow proper protocols then the results of a test can be totally skewed and provide false reports. You may see higher concentrations of a substance than are actually present, and in some cases you may find a substance that was never present at all.

This is what happened to a woman in Georgia, who served time in jail, after being accused of being in possession of meth. She had been stopped for a traffic violation, which itself turned out to be bogus, and then subject to a vehicle search. Upon searching her vehicle, police found a bag containing a light blue substance. Having clearly watched way too much Breaking Bad, the police immediately a field test indicating that this was meth and sent it off to the lab for a further analysis. The woman was arrested and bail was set at $1,000,000.

Yes, you read that right. Bail amounts are fucking crazy in the U.S. In Canada, cash bail is considered a last resort.

Anyway, laboratory analysis revealed that the field test was not accurate. Not even close. The blue stuff? It was cotton candy. But that test analysis came on March 22, 2017 – after she had been held in custody since January 11, 2017. And what’s worse? She did not even get released until April 4, 2018. Charges were not then dismissed until April 18, 2017. It took three months for this woman to be released from jail, and almost a month after tests proved her innocence.

I hope she collects big on this lawsuit.

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