This week on Weird and Wacky Wednesdays, we meet the king and queen of petty time wasting in a road rage case that is more about the road and less about the rage. Then, we look at the case of a man who fully dipped his balls in salsa. But why? Finally, we travel to Alabama where a few people took their crab leg buffet experience far too seriously, resulting in two arrests.
Click the link below to read more about the strangest and most interesting legal cases from the last week.
Road Rage
This has already been dubbed the most ridiculous call of 2019 by Kansas police, and it only happened in February.
Police in Kansas were asked to respond to a road rage call. When officers arrived — who conveniently live tweeted the whole ordeal — they found two vehicles having a stalemate in a parking lot. The entrance and exit was only big enough for one vehicle. One wanted in, one wanted out, and both refused to move for the other.
Police approached the first driver, who refused to move after the request from officers. So they approached the second driver, who advised police that she was uncomfortable backing her vehicle up due to its size and that the other driver would have to move. A Sergeant was called in, and when he realized what was going on, he promptly left.
Eventually, officers became so fed up they abandoned the call, claiming it was private property and they did not have authority to make anyone leave as a result. it is unknown how many hours the vehicles remained here, but a check revealed the next morning that both vehicles were gone.
Would you like a side of balls with that?
A delivery driver for a food delivery service recently lost his job and was charged with serving adulterated food, literally.
After only being tipped 89 cents for the delivery, the driver decided to make a video criticizing the customer’s tipping. In the video, he is seen to take an open container of salsa, which was part of the customer’s order, and hold it to his crotch with his fly undone. He narrates that the salsa “feels good on [his] balls” before completing the delivery.
Frankly, it sounds like he deserves to be tipped a lot less than 89 cents.
After foolishly uploading the video to social media, the food courier service got wind of it and his contract was terminated. The driver tried to argue, fruitlessly, that the video was a joke but his employer was not having it. In addition, he is facing felony charges and has been released on $45,000 bail.
Something tells me he needs that 89 cents a whole lot more now.
Crab Leg Buffet
And in other food-related criminal acts, a brawl broke out over a buffet in Alabama. Thankfully, police were on scene to have a meal at the time when the event broke out. Which reminds me of one of my favorite moments from a criminal trial ever, when a witness said he asked himself “Where’s a cop when ya needs one?” And then the officer appeared, as if by magic.
Unfortunately, this situation was more than one officer could handle, as the full-on battle over crab legs involved people using serving tongs like swords, a woman beating a man, and plates being shattered everywhere. All this because of a ten-minute wait to refill the crab legs and some alleged cutting in line.
To be fair, I understand the willingness to fight to the death over crab legs. And I also understand the sheer rage a person can feel when someone cuts in line while you’ve been politely waiting. But even to me, this reaction is over the top.
Despite the severity of the situation, only two people were charged: the woman and the man who were fighting. The woman is charged with assault, while the man is charged with disorderly conduct. Something tells me that watching that trial is worth a trip to Alabama.