This week on Weird and Wacky Wednesdays, we’ll be hearing about three cases from Florida, one involving a horrible neighbour another involving a horrible parent and the last one involving an executive with the Central Florida Boy Scouts of America.
Follow the jump to learn more about this week’s weirdest and wackiest cases from around the globe!
Not everywhere is a toilet

I know this seems like an obvious statement, but it apparently needs to be said after a recent story coming out of Florida.
A man decided to walk onto his neighbour’s porch butt-ass naked, and as if that wasn’t bad enough proceeded to go to the bathroom on their glass table. The whole thing was caught on the victim’s security cameras.
After police arrived, he was arrested for criminal mischief and booked into the county jail on the misdemeanour charge.
I just feel bad for whoever has to clean up after the guy.
Arcade Games > A literal child
Another story coming out of Florida includes a woman who left her child in her car for almost two hours while she was inside an arcade. The doors were also left unlocked.

The child was left alone in the car with the windows done up and the AC on. The child also appeared to be malnourished and so the cops gave her some formula.
The woman was arrested with a pair of felony charges for leaving the child alone in a car while she played in an arcade.
Drinking Badge Achieved
Our final story this week is also out of Florida and involves an executive with the Central Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of America.
The police arrived at the scene where the man was sitting in his car surrounded by alcohol bottles, still in his Boy Scouts uniform. He said the reason for his drinking was a result of marital problems.

After agreeing to try sobriety tests, performing them poorly, and then blowing three times over the legal limit, the man was arrested on a DUI.
Even though his situation may have earned him a ‘drinking badge’ his actual motoring badge is at risk of being suspended.