violation ticket

Commercial Driver Points for Intersection Camera Tickets

When the government introduced the intersection camera ticket program and expanded it to include speeding tickets as well as red light tickets, they suggested that this was a fair because as a compromise the tickets would attract no penalty points. The tickets would not go on the driving record of the owner or driver, and it would just be the fine. This was their trade-off for governing people by robots.

But this is not the case for tickets where the vehicle has an associated NSC registration. Allow me to explain.

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Deemed Conviction for a violation ticket

You can get a deemed conviction for missing a deadline

Congratulations to Ana Chamgoulova on successfully overturning a deemed conviction for her client. Ana is an articled student at Acumen Law Corporation and she argued at the BC Supreme Court that a judicial justice unfairly denied her client, Aldo Junior Danny Grossi, an extension to dispute a violation ticket.

I commend Ana on a job well done and the facts of this case serve as a lesson on the importance of fully explaining yourself in an application to appeal a deemed conviction.

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