
Understanding and Challenging a 90-Day Administrative Driving Prohibition (ADP)

Close-up of a police officer conducting a breathalyzer test on a driver to check for blood alcohol levels.

If you’ve been charged in British Columbia with driving at or over the legal limit of 0.08 BAC, refusing a breath test, or driving under drug impairment, you’ll likely face a 90-day Administrative Driving Prohibition (ADP). This driving ban is often the first major issue to address in cases of alleged impaired driving. But there’s good news – you can challenge this prohibition, provided you act quickly.

Understanding and Challenging a 90-Day Administrative Driving Prohibition (ADP) Read More »

The Driver Improvement Program in BC

worried about the driver improvement program

A lot of people receive letters as a result of getting one, or several, tickets. These letters purport to refer the drivers to the “Driver Improvement Program.” But there is very little information about what the Driver Improvement Program in BC is, or how you complete the Driver Improvement Program.

This blog post helps to explain this program. 

The Driver Improvement Program in BC Read More »

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