Impaired Driving Laws BC

Understanding the Consequences of Impaired Driving

Driver sitting in a car being stopped by a police officer, who is checking a device, possibly related to impaired driving enforcement.

British Columbia has strict impaired driving laws with severe consequences for drivers found to be over the legal limit, refusing to provide a breath sample, or otherwise violating impaired driving laws. Drivers face Immediate Roadside Prohibitions (IRPs), 90-day Administrative Driving Prohibitions (ADPs), or even criminal charges, depending on the circumstances. Here’s what you need to know about these penalties, their differences, and the potential consequences of a criminal conviction.

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Understanding and Challenging a 90-Day Administrative Driving Prohibition (ADP)

Close-up of a police officer conducting a breathalyzer test on a driver to check for blood alcohol levels.

If you’ve been charged in British Columbia with driving at or over the legal limit of 0.08 BAC, refusing a breath test, or driving under drug impairment, you’ll likely face a 90-day Administrative Driving Prohibition (ADP). This driving ban is often the first major issue to address in cases of alleged impaired driving. But there’s good news – you can challenge this prohibition, provided you act quickly.

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