driving while prohibited

What Happens When You Drive While Suspended?

Driving suspensions can be difficult for people. Many people need their licenses to get to work, to perform their jobs, or to deal with family obligations like driving kids to school or activities. A driving suspension can have a major impact on your life.

For this reason, a lot of people who are serving driving prohibitions may consider taking a risk and driving while they are suspended. Unfortunately, it can be hard to find information about what will happen if you drive while your license is suspended. Driving while suspended is illegal, and the consequences can be very severe.

This blog post helps to provide information about the various consequences of driving while suspended.

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Going to Jail for Driving While Prohibited

jail for driving while prohibited

One of the questions I am asked most frequently by clients who are charged with driving while prohibited is whether they can go to jail for driving while prohibited.

And, depending on the circumstances, a driving while prohibited charge in British Columbia can result in a jail sentence. So it is important to consult with a lawyer and understand whether you are at risk of going to jail, and in what circumstances a jail sentence can be imposed.

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How To Beat a Driving While Prohibited Charge in BC

beat driving while prohibited charge

Driving while prohibited is a serious offence. If convicted of the criminal charge of driving while prohibited, a person can receive a criminal record. Under the Motor Vehicle Act, a person can face a possible jail sentence. In either circumstance, the penalty for driving while prohibited includes lengthy driving prohibitions and potentially high fines.

This is why it is important to understand the evidence in a driving while prohibited case, and what you can do to beat a driving while prohibited charge in British Columbia. …

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Is a Driving While Prohibited Charge a Criminal Charge?

driving while prohibited

Many people who contact my office are not sure about whether they are facing the consequences of a criminal record for a driving while prohibited charge. These individuals are wondering whether a driving while prohibited charge is a criminal charge. And the answer, unfortunately, is more complicated than a simple “yes” or “no.”

In order to better understand this issue, first we need to understand what we are dealing with when looking at a driving while prohibited charge. …

Is a Driving While Prohibited Charge a Criminal Charge? Read More »

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