This week is exciting as I get to announce the creation of the Driving Law Podcast Twitter Account! Driving law is the only legal podcast that I know about that also has its own Twitter page. So that’s super exciting and fun. In addition to our exciting announcement, the Driving Law Podcast is now live for Friday, July 13, 2018.
This week, Paul Doroshenko and I speak about the decision by Greyhound to cease service on all but one of its Western Canada routes. Next, we talk about some of the hurdles the Crown will face in the prosecution of the Humboldt Broncos bus crash, and look a little deeper at the bail conditions he was placed on. Finally, we talk about a recent report in Alberta about driver licensing centres and the fraud, bribery, and sexual assault allegations that have recently come to light.
You can catch this week’s episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or on PlayerFM.