Weird and Wacky Wednesdays: Volume Ninety Nine

For the 99th edition of Weird and Wacky Wednesdays, we look at three fascinating legal cases.

First, we look at a legal case involving a shooting that actually resulted in a medical first! Then, we examine one way that won’t fool the police into refusing to act on your outstanding felony warrants. Finally, we look at why some people probably shouldn’t take their social media so seriously.

Follow the jump to learn more about this week’s roundup of the weirdest and wackiest legal cases from around the globe!


A woman was shot in Toronto in 2018. And a Toronto shooting is not nearly unusual enough to be featured on this blog series. But what makes this woman’s case special is that not only did she survive the shooting, but her survival became the only documented case of a breast implant changing the trajectory of the bullet.

Yes, it appears that the silicone implant, filled with silicone gel, caused the bullet to change trajectory and leave her without piercing her heart.

This is apparently the first-ever recorded instance of this phenomenon, though there are two other recorded instances of bullets being slowed or stopped by implants before. All this goes to show that if you think you’re liable to be shot, your best defence is a breast defence.

Quarantine in Jail

It wouldn’t be Weird and Wacky Wednesdays in a pandemic without a Florida man doing something ridiculous and related to the coronavirus. And this Florida man is no letdown.

A man in Florida with several arrest warrants outstanding could feel the noose tightening around his neck. Apparently, he was so inspired by the figurative difficulty breathing that he decided to fake some literal difficulty breathing. In an attempt to thwart the police, the man posted a crudely-written sign on his door, stating “COViD19 iNFected Since 4/8/20.”

The best part, in my opinion, is the liberal use of random capital letters.

Alas, much to the man’s chagrin, the Florida troopers merely donned protective gear and busted down the door anyway. And the man was arrested, apparently not showing any symptoms of COVID-19… or should I say COViD19?  

Kids and Their Technology

Apparently TikTok videos are really, really serious business.  

So serious, in fact, that a woman was recently arrested after a domestic altercation broke out with her roommate over the social media platform. While the details are scant, it appears that the fight broke out over an argument about TikTok videos. A portion of the assault was apparently even captured on video.

I’ve watched a few TikTok videos, and even have a TikTok account. But I cannot imagine what about the platform could possibly be so important that a person is willing to physically attack another person over it. I guess this is the first sign of ageing…

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