
Kyla Lee: The Leading Authority on Immediate Roadside Prohibitions

Kyla Lee’s Immediate Roadside Prohibitions in Western Canada is the definitive guide to understanding the complexities of Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP) law. This groundbreaking textbook not only explains the intricacies of the IRP regime in British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan but also showcases Kyla Lee’s unparalleled expertise in this highly specialized area of law.

Kyla Lee: The Leading Authority on Immediate Roadside Prohibitions Read More »

The importance of having a lawyer for an IRP judicial review

IRP judicial review can be stressful

Representing yourself for a judicial review of an IRP decision can be an incredibly risky thing to do. The case of Zamani v. British Columbia (Superintendent of Motor Vehicles) highlights the importance of having a lawyer for an IRP judicial review, given their complex nature.

The importance of having a lawyer for an IRP judicial review Read More »

Alberta’s New Drunk Driving Law Will Ruin More Lives Than It Saves

Alberta’s New Drunk Driving Law Will Ruin Lives

There has been a great deal of discussion about Alberta’s new proposed impaired driving law, and how it will save lives. The government points to the so-called success of the BC Immediate Roadside Prohibition scheme as a basis to conclude that imposing these measures to decriminalize drunk driving will lead to fewer impaired-driving deaths.

But the reality is that while it is arguable (though not proven) that more lives will be saved, the outcome will be that more lives will be ruined.

To find out how this law will ruin more lives than it saves, read on.

Alberta’s New Drunk Driving Law Will Ruin More Lives Than It Saves Read More »

Did you miss a time period to dispute your IRP? We may be able to help.

If you received a 90-day driving prohibition in British Columbia for falling or refusing a roadside breathalyzer test, you only had seven days to dispute it. After the seven-day limitation period is up, there is nothing you can do.

Similarly, if you had a hearing scheduled but did not get your submissions in by the hearing date and time, the RoadSafetyBC policies require that you are deemed to have waived your rights to have a hearing.  

However, under a new order granted under the Emergency Program Act in British Columbia, you may be able to get a little relief on those otherwise hard-and-fast deadlines. As of March 26, 2020, if you missed a time limit to dispute your IRP or to submit your materials for an IRP hearing, you can request an extension.

Did you miss a time period to dispute your IRP? We may be able to help. Read More »

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