excessive speeding

What are the different types of speeding tickets in BC?

In BC, you can get many different types of speeding tickets, and each type of ticket has unique consequences.

Each speeding ticket is viewed differently by the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles in determining whether to prohibit your license and by ICBC when deciding what insurance-related consequences to impose on you.

What are the different types of speeding tickets in BC? Read More »

Giving testimony in speeding cases when you do not know how your speed

One of the traps self-represented defendants fall into in speeding cases is giving testimony when they do not know how fast they were actually travelling. People tend to focus on their personal circumstances to the detriment to their defence against the evidence.

A recent BC Supreme Court decision functions as a good example of this. This blog will examine the case and explain some of the dangers of representing yourself.

Giving testimony in speeding cases when you do not know how your speed Read More »

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