Kyla Lee in Vancouver is Awesome: Is it legal to keep backyard chickens in Vancouver?
Some Vancouver residents can keep chickens in their backyard but they may want to reconsider buying a hen house for now.
The City of Vancouver permits residents to have a maximum of four hens, over the age of four months on a lot (no roosters). Owners must register their hens, get permits, and notify the city if they decide not to keep them.
The Animal Control By-law does not allow residents to keep any other fowl in their backyards. However, a spokesperson for the city tells V.I.A. that it is reviewing the by-law to include more specific details on what bird species may be kept in a backyard coop.
People may also want to carefully consider the risks of handling chicks and wild birds transmitting viruses.
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Kyla Lee in Vancouver is Awesome: Is it legal to keep backyard chickens in Vancouver? Read More »